Njmvc online driving record

License holder verification

User Identification Number:
A User Identification Number (UIN) is required to prevent unauthorized access and to prevent others from changing your motor vehicle information. A UIN is assigned to every driver license number. Note: For security purposes no one at MVC has access to your UIN. UINs are sent by first class mail and are not forwarded by the U.S. Postal Service. E-mail is not a secure means of communication, therefore UINs are not sent to e-mail accounts.

Registration PIN
COMING SOON! If you do not have your User Identification Number you may use the Registration PIN for any vehicle you own. The Registration PIN is printed on the Registration Renewal Form mailed by the Motor Vehicle Commission.
Note: PINs are only assigned to vehicles eligible for online and telephone renewals.

Driver License Number:
Your driver license number consists of a letter followed by 14 digits. Enter your driver license number, without any spaces, in the appropriate box to identify yourself in the application.

Last 4 SSN digits:
Enter the last four digits of your social security number.

Continue or cancel
- Continue: Click the "Continue" button to continue.
- Cancel: To exit the application, click the "Cancel" button; this will close the system's window.

User ID Number Request
If you do not have your User Identification Number you may request one by clicking "User ID Number Request".