If you are using a few different ideas from the same article within a paragraph, it is important to cite the article every time you use an idea. Do NOT write the paragraph and just add one in-text citation for the article at the end of the paragraph. If you do that, your reader will not know which ideas in the paragraph are your own, and which came from the article.
Here is an example of citing the same article more than once within a paragraph:
The online classroom presents instructors with special challenges when it comes to offering students helpful feedback on their work (Hodge & Chenelle, 2018). However, besides challenges, there are also opportunities. Hodge and Chenelle noted that virtual tools in the online classroom, such as audio and video recordings to provide feedback, can help instructors deliver more effective suggestions and guidelines to students. Also, instructors can hold video conferences with students who may need extra support and more detailed feedback (Hodge & Chenelle, 2018).
If you use the same article in another paragraph, start over; the first citation for that article in another paragraph needs to give the authors' names and the article year.
For more information, see the APA Manual (pp. 265-266) .